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Treat Depression with Hypnotherapy

Simply being sad is not depression, but in addition to being sad, there is a sense of emptiness, hopelessness, worthlessness, things and activities that once interest you no longer interesting …

Depression is very often triggered by a traumatic event. One example of a traumatic event is when an individual loses their love ones through death or divorce. He or she has to deal with the belongings and the responsibilities left behind. And in the process if the individual did not have enough or proper time to grieve and manage the loss, depression may set in.

Another example of depression is losing a job, or any major financial changes. The sudden lost of a main income, the not knowing of what tomorrow will become.

THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION Here are some of the typical signs of depression. (source)

Symptom #1 “Now, I can’t get out of bed in the morning. I just don’t have the same interest in things that I used to.”

Symptom #2 “I have body pains and I’m worried that I may have (fibromyalgia, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, etc.).”

Symptom #3 “I can’t seem to stop overeating and I gained 40 pounds.” Or “I have gone back to drinking, smoking cigarettes or pot, etc.”

Symptom #4 “I’m having trouble sleeping at night and I’m exhausted.”

Symptom #5 “I cry at the drop of a pin, but mostly I feel numb.”

Medically, the doctor could help with the above symptoms with some drugs like anti-depressants, sleep medication, etc, but they are only a temporary relief, they are not fixing the underlying root cause.

HOW DOES HYPNOTHERAPY TREAT DEPRESSION? (source) 1. It helps you enter the subconscious: First, we drop down from the conscious mind, which is only 10% of the mind into the subconscious mind. Now we are addressing the whole person, 100% of the mind rather than just treating the symptoms.

2. It helps you identify the “unfinished business”. People often have what Dr. Fritz Perls called “unfinished business” with whatever has been lost, be it a loved one, a job, or a home. These unresolved feelings, such as resentments, regrets, blame, anger, guilt, jealousy, and fear are stored in the body and must be released as soon after the triggering event as possible. Otherwise they become deeply buried beneath the numbness created by the anti-depressant drugs, the addictive behavior, and the concurrent repression that occurs when trauma and grief go untreated. Clinical hypnotherapy works for depression because it removes the underlying basis of depression and completes the unfinished business that otherwise continues to recycle as self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors.

3. It helps you “finish” the “unfinished business” and release the stored emotions/experiences. With hypnotherapy, we can go down to the deepest level of these traumatic experiences, memories and stored emotions to release them from the mind and body. When this hypnotherapy process is completed, the client reports that their depression has lifted, that they have stopped the compulsive thoughts or behavior, and that they are ready to resume living their lives again.

4. It helps you replace the trauma with positivity. With each healing session of clinical hypnotherapy, we can replace the fearful repetitive thoughts that often haunt people following a traumatic experience. Positive affirmations now work because the underlying emotional release has been accomplished.

5. It helps you use the power of hypnotic suggestion to create long-term improvement. Hypnotherapy provides an effective way to access the individual’s ability to affect the physical body. Once self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors have been resolved, the individual can begin to use hypnotic suggestibility to improve the body’s functioning. Hypnotherapy can be very helpful in correcting patterns of restless sleep, low energy or libido, headaches or chronic pain. And one can use hypnotherapy to increase motivation to exercise and eat properly.

Consistent research and methodology refinement has allowed hypnotherapy to progress as an advanced form of therapy to the point where clinical hypnotherapy is now regularly considered as a treatment option for depression. Working in tandem with a group of powerful psychotherapy techniques, hypnotherapy can be a highly successful form of treatment for individuals with depression.

Talk to us if you are want to overcome depression, we can help you. Call or whatsapp us @ +65 9856 4998 for a free initial consultation.

If you would like to know how you could help people dealing with depression and more, come join us in our Certified Hypnotherapy Course.

Source from Image source from

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