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Eldhi Koh has been a coach, hypnotist and entrepreneur for many years. She is NGH certified (National Guild of Hypnosis, USA) to perform hypnotherapy and teach 7th Path self-hypnosis.

Prior to her obtaining her certification as a Hypnotherapist, she is also a Licensed Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, where she works extensively with her clients from all walks of life to achieve clarity, peace and performance in their lives using NLP tools and techniques.

Eldhi previously runs a very successful real estate business that has handled several million dollars of business. Acquiring the Certified Hypnotherapy accreditation enables her to step up to the challenges of running her own Hypnotherapy and training school. She took these skills into the business world and ran operations as she co-found The Pathlight Centre ( together with Pete Tan (Certified Professional Hypnotherapy Instructor). Taking her entrepreneurship and passion in therapy work to the next phase of her career, this is her way of giving back and helping other people grow.

Using coaching and hypnotherapy methodologies, she has helped hundreds of her clients move on stronger, gaining more clarity in their life when they seek help on their personal and/or intimate situations. Many of the students at The Pathlight Centre have also known Eldhi as the highly resourceful and interactive facilitator of the Certified Hypnotherapy course. Most students after talking to Eldhi – gained wider perspective about how they could transform their life and career as they open more doors in the Hypnotherapy world.

Eldhi is often described by others to have a very gentle coaching style yet affirmative nature, that makes it easy for anyone to not only confide in her but also take charge of their life under her guidance. And most importantly, having gone through the personal and professional growing phase that most successful people have to encounter, she can relate to the issues clients bring to the table. Her enormous love for personal development, grooming the next generations of therapists at The Pathlight Centre and warm energy is simply infectious.

Eldhi Koh: Team Members
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